
Here you can browse the interactive visualizations, multimedia assets, data source spreadsheets, and documentation we developed for the lab’s forthcoming book Ethics of the Algorithm: Digital Humanities and Holocaust Memory (Princeton University Press, September 2024).

Tableau visualizations are also available on our public Tableau page.

Technologies of Testimony and Distant Witnessing
What Should Algorithms Have to Do with Ethics?
Computation That (De)humanizes: From “Bare Data” to Human Life
David Boder and the Origins of Computational Analysis of Survivor Testimonies
Two Methods of Counter-Indexing the “Gray Zone”: N-grams and Semantic Triplets
Through the Lens of Big Data: Toward a Macroanalysis of the USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive
The Haunted Voice: On the Ethics of Close and Distant Listening
What were Survivors asked? Using Machine Learning to Constellate 89,759 Interviewer Questions

Algorithmic Close Reading: Locating Vectors of Agency in Holocaust Testimonies

Mala Zimetbaum and the Creation of a Testimonial Ensemble
Conclusion: Cultural Memory Machines and the Futures of Testimony